Michael Austen
Dr Michael Austen is a Senior Medical Advisor working for the Elective Services Unit (ESU) of Accident Compensation Corporation (ACC. He is vocationally registered with the Royal NZ College of Urgent Care and is a Trainee in the Occupational Medicine Training program.

The Elective Services Unit handles all of the funding applications for ACC elective surgery. The clinical review of these applications is most commonly performed by ACC�s Clinical Advisory Panel (CAP). Dr Austen has a clinical leadership role with CAP.

ACC and the New Zealand Orthopaedic Association (NZOA) have been working together to develop consideration factors that will be relevant to ACC-related surgery funding applications. Dr Austen has been involved in the development of these consideration factors.



Shoulder Injuries
Concurrent Workshop Repeated
Friday, 13 June 2014 Start 4:30pm Duration: 55mins Room 12
Start 5:35pm Duration: 55mins Room 12
Shoulder consideration factors for ACC-funded elective surgery

CAP (on behalf of ACC) and the Shoulder and Elbow sub-committee of the NZOA have worked together over the past five years to agree on consideration factors for shoulder surgery. The importance of the history of the injury, the presence or otherwise of important radiological features and corroborative features for and against a traumatic cause are discussed.

PRESENTATION: PDF of Presentation