Dr Susan Hawken

Susan has worked in a variety of settings including rural and urban general practice, as a GP obstetrician and in Family Planning Clinics. Currently she works part time as a general practitioner on the North Shore of Auckland and as a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Psychological Medicine at the University of Auckland. Susan coordinates the Professional, Clinical and Communication Skills courses across all years of the medical programme. 

Susan works with Connect Communications, providing high quality communication skills training programmes for a range of health professionals throughout New Zealand. 

We pride ourselves in having a flexible and responsive approach to meet the varied needs of individuals and groups - enabling them to work with colleagues and patients in the most effective way. 


Risk Management and Improved Communication - Pre-conference Workshop
Thursday, 08 June 2012 Start 8:30am Duration: 120mins Sovereign
Start 11:00am Duration: 120mins Sovereign
How can we avoid complaints in the first place? Peter Robinson and Gaeline Phipps from Medicus will present cases and lead discussion illustrating the take home points that come from the latest research and from their experience working in the field. 

Then Susan Hawken and Richard Fox will use demonstrations, discussion and interaction to focus on the key approaches and skills that can reduce the likelihood of complaints in the first place - and to defuse complaints when they are looking a possibility.