John Petrie
John has been a rheumatologist at QE Health since 1986, with a private practice at Lakes Care Medical Centre. His practice has combined office-based rheumatology with the multidisciplinary intensive rehabilitation of patients disabled by musculoskeletal pain. He is a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, and is a member of the New Zealand Rheumatology Association and New Zealand Pain Society. He has recently completed a Post Graduate Certificate in Sports Medicine through Auckland University.


Multidisciplinary Intensive Rehabilitation
Pre-Conference Workshop Repeated
Thursday, 20 June 2013 Start 2:00pm Duration: 120mins QE Health
Start 4:30pm Duration: 120mins

The prevalence rates for all forms of musculoskeletal disorders in New Zealand are estimated as being between 20.4% and 47.4% of the population, depending on various sources of data. Most of these musculoskeletal disorders are chronic conditions, which are predicted to become more common due to changes in demographics and lifestyle. 

It is estimated that 10,000 people in NZ suffer from major neurological conditions amenable to MIR such as Parkinson�s disease, multiple sclerosis or post polio syndrome.

A study of 3214 admissions to QE Health, presented at the American Society of Rheumatology November 2011, revealed 21% of diagnoses were osteoarthritis, 25% inflammatory arthritis and 38% chronic pain (including fibromyalgia). Improvement was recorded in at least two measures in 83% of patients. 

So: What patients do I refer? How do I refer? How are patients funded? How do I support my patient post rehab programme? 

These questions will be answered in a two hour interactive workshop where specific rheumatological and chronic pain conditions, especially high end cases that complicate a GP practice, can be discussed. 

Our approach is holistic. 

Basics of the QE Health Philosophy

To be healthy, a person needs to experience optimal levels of functioning in their physical, mental and social lives from their perspective. 
People don�t see themselves nor experience things as physical, mental and social �bits� � they experience life holistically. 
Health professionals cannot make change, they can facilitate change. 
Health professionals are responsible to acknowledge, reinforce, encourage and help people identify their potential. 
The QE Model of Health Change is not a one-step process; it�s a life time spiral of development.

Groans and Bones
Concurrent Workshop Repeated
Friday, 21 June 2013 Start 11:00am Duration: 55mins Sigma
Start 12:05pm Duration: 55mins Sigma

Recent advances in the treatment of autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis have prompted a careful review of the diagnosis and drug therapy of this potentially crippling condition. Whilst the institution of biological therapies such as TNF inhibitors have been life changing for some, even greater benefit can be achieved for the majority by earlier diagnosis and prompt initiation of some old fashioned (and maligned!) drugs. 

And on the theme of old fashioned drugs, Allopurinol and the dual approach to the treatment of gout have been the subject of some important research from our colleagues here in New Zealand. Their results are of significant practical value in the management of this common problem.

Another common problem associated with the word �old� is osteoporosis. This is a challenge in Rheumatology, as it is in general practice, and regrettably has become defined by an expensive procedure which is widely unavailable and woefully insensitive. How can we identify all of those patients who are at risk of a fragility fracture? These three topics will be covered in this workshop.