The prevalence rates for all forms of musculoskeletal
disorders in New Zealand are estimated as being between 20.4% and 47.4% of
the population, depending on various sources of data. Most of these
musculoskeletal disorders are chronic conditions, which are predicted to
become more common due to changes in demographics and lifestyle.
It is estimated that 10,000 people in NZ suffer from major neurological
conditions amenable to MIR such as Parkinson�s disease, multiple
sclerosis or post polio syndrome.
A study of 3214 admissions to QE Health, presented at the American Society
of Rheumatology November 2011, revealed 21% of diagnoses were
osteoarthritis, 25% inflammatory arthritis and 38% chronic pain (including
fibromyalgia). Improvement was recorded in at least two measures in 83% of
So: What patients do I refer? How do I refer? How are patients funded? How
do I support my patient post rehab programme?
These questions will be answered in a two hour interactive workshop where
specific rheumatological and chronic pain conditions, especially high end
cases that complicate a GP practice, can be discussed.
Our approach is holistic.
Basics of the QE Health Philosophy
To be healthy, a person needs to experience optimal levels of functioning
in their physical, mental and social lives from their perspective.
People don�t see themselves nor experience things as physical, mental
and social �bits� � they experience life holistically.
Health professionals cannot make change, they can facilitate change.
Health professionals are responsible to acknowledge, reinforce, encourage
and help people identify their potential.
The QE Model of Health Change is not a one-step process; it�s a life
time spiral of development. |