Philip Polkinghorne
Associate Professor Philip Polkinghorne MD F.R.A.N.Z.C.O., F.R.C.Ophth.
Vitreoretinal Surgeon, Medical retina specialist and Cataract Surgeon

Philip is a consultant at Auckland Eye and is also an Associate Professor in the Department of Ophthalmology at the University of Auckland where he has teaching responsibilities for both undergraduate and post graduate students. He is also visiting lecturer at the University of Otago, preparing ophthalmic registrars from Australia and New Zealand for their final fellowship examination. Philip is also heavily involved in the public sector and strongly believes that all New Zealanders should have the right to expert care and treatment.

Philip belongs to a number of learned societies including the Oxford Congress, Moorfields Alumni, American Academy of Ophthalmology and American Society of Retinal Specialists. Locally Philip is active in the Asian Vitreoretinal Advisor Group, the Oceania Retinal Association and the Australian and New Zealand Retinal Specialists Association. He has published over 50 papers, edits ophthalmology journals and contributes as a reviewer to a number of international journals.



Pills Potions and Placebos with Eyes
Concurrent Workshop Repeated
Friday, 13 June 2014 Start 2:00pm Duration: 55mins Room 7
Start 3:05pm Duration: 55mins Room 7
Alternative medicine and ophthalmology have a long and interesting relationship. Iridology, eye exercises, together with a wide range of tonics and supplements are available to the New Zealand public. The virtue of placebos, credible endorsements and lack of scientific studies enables a contemporary range of treatment options to be marketed while stronger, safer, faster alternatives can devised for the near future.

Not all supplements lack scientific rigor. The National Eye Institute in the US sponsored the AREDS (I) and AREDS 2 study defining a benefit of supplements for age-related- macular degeneration. Equally the effect of marijuana on intra-ocular pressure is well documented, belladonna too has a therapeutic effect on the ageing eye.

In this talk an overview of will be given of conventional and alternative treatments in ophthalmology and where general practice may fit into the mix.

What's Hot in The Retina?
Main Session
Friday, 13 June 2014 Start 5:20pm Duration: 25mins Baytrust
Game Changers in Opthalmology
Concurrent Workshop Repeated
Saturday, 14 June 2014 Start 8:30am Duration: 55mins Room 12
Start 9:35am Duration: 55mins Room 12