Dr John Apps
Dr John Apps has been a rural GP in Westport for 4 years. Trained in the UK, he worked in NHS General Practice & A&E Medicine, in addition to running a vasectomy clinic and delivering advanced pre-hospital emergency care. Frustrated with the lack of effective treatment for musculo-skeletal pain, he trained in western style acupuncture focussing on trigger point identification and needling.

After 19 years, he left the NHS to concentrate on his main clinical interests of pre- hospital emergency & wilderness medicine, event medical cover, vasectomy service provision and trigger point needling. Due to lack of attention, he somehow ended up with an Occupational Health business as well!

Wilderness experience includes six Antarctic seasons, high altitude Himalayan trips, extreme marathon events and a recent military tour in Afghanistan's Helmand province.

John lives with his partner, Sue, on a 50 acre forestry block on the wonderful West Coast, where they experiment with self-sufficiency & home-brew.


Dr John Apps
Buller Medical Services
45 Derby St, Westport

email: johnapps58@gmail.com
mobile: 021 055 8369 
work: 03 788 8230

Vasectomy Workshop - Pre-Conference 
Thursday, 10 June 2010 Start 8:30am Duration: 120mins Sigma Room
Start 11:00am Duration: 120mins Sigma Room

New Zealand has the highest vasectomy rate in the developed world, with 57% of men aged 40-49 firing blanks.

John provided a primary care based vasectomy service in the UK for 20 years, logging over 5000 procedures. Initially using a cut & tie technique, John switched to the no-scalpel method in 1998. 

The workshop will cover how to get started with training & supervised practice, equipment requirements, patient selection, information provision and consent forms, operative procedure video, local anaesthesia methods, vasa occlusion methods, sedation, complications, semen analysis, failure rates, post vasectomy pain and audit, plus useful web resources. During this time, I will try to slay some of the mythology that still abounds!

If there is time, we can discuss contract negotiation with health purchasers. 

Participants are welcome to take away electronic copies of the patient information leaflets and consent form to adapt for their own use. Please bring a USB stick.

How to .. Trigger Point Needling Concurrent Workshop
Saturday, 12 June 2010 Start 4:30pm Duration: 60mins Sigma Room

Also known as Intramuscular Stimulation, this will be a practical, hands on workshop, so come prepared to be demonstrated on! Participants with musculo-skeletal pain are welcome.

I will give a brief overview of how it seems to work based on the concept of muscle shortening (no science involved), review some cases, show some typical pain referral diagrams and then demonstrate trigger point identification and treatment by examination & needling. The main skill is examination technique to find the painful bits and the only essential knowledge is knowing where NOT to needle!

I use this technique during normal GP consultations: it is rapid and effective in about 70% of cases. Typical problems treated include neck, shoulder and back pain (including those with radiculopathy), chronic headaches and migraine, trochanteric bursitis and epicondylitis.

GPs who have introduced needling techniques into their usual practice, generally report a reduction in referral rates and decreased prescribing of analgesia and anti-inflammatories, not to mention some increased work satisfaction! Some patients even return to work after years on the benefit system!

If time allows, we can include acupuncture treatments that have been shown to be effective for the nasal symptoms of hay-fever and OA of the knee.

Wilderness Medicine - Concurrent Breakout Session
Sunday, 13 June 2010 Start 8:30am Duration: 55mins Works Room
Start 9:35am Duration: 55mins Works Room

This session will explore the depth & breadth of wilderness medicine as an emerging discipline, illustrated with cases from around the globe. So, whether you are going as the medic on a charity bike ride, pushing the survival limits at altitude or near the poles, volunteering for disaster relief work or going into a war zone, come along for a light-hearted sharing of experiences, where necessity really is the mother of invention!

We will look at the vital importance of the 7 Ps (proper planning & preparation prevents p*** poor performance), information sources, suitable training, the common problem of pre-departure concealed illness, realistic medical kits, evacuation options and working with local health care providers.

I will bring along some of my treasured items of equipment that I would not leave home without.