NZMA, New Zealand Medical Association, Rotorua
Rotorua GP CME 2012 - Programme

Thursday 07 June 2012 - OPTIONAL PRE-CONFERENCE COURSES (fee applies)
Location Rotorua Energy Events Centre
0830-1030 Workshop 1 Basic Surgical Skills  - (24 people)

Zachary Moaveni & Adam Bialostocki

Sponsored by:

Workshop 2 Sports Medicine 
Cycling is better than Golf, DIY Podiatry, Medical Screening of Athletes, Hip/Groin problems in Athletes

Chris Milne & Brendan O'Neill

Workshop 3 How to Meditate
Introducing Meditation into Your Busy Lives

Mark Davis

Workshop 4 Medicus Workshop
Risk Management and Improved Communication

Richard Fox, Susan Hawken (Connect),  Peter Robinson (Medicus) & Gaeline Phipps

Workshop 5 Musculoskeletal Medicine (Part 1)
Understanding Modern Imaging - General Introduction to Musculoskeletal Medicine together with overview of Radiologic Investigation

Ian Wallbridge, Rick Bernau & Peter Gendall

Workshop 6 Fertility/Infertility
Everything you wanted to know about fertility/infertility but were too afraid to ask

Freddie Graham (Fertility Associates)

Workshop 7 Podiatry
Foot Pain, Choice of Running Shoes

John Miller

Workshop 8 ALS 7 (8 hour course)
1030-1100 Morning Tea
1100-1300 Workshop 9 Advanced Surgical Skills  - (24 people)

Zachary Moaveni & Adam Bialostocki

Sponsored by:

Workshop 10 Sports Medicine (Repeated)
Cycling is better than Golf, DIY Podiatry, Medical Screening of Athletes, Hip/Groin problems in Athletes

Chris Milne & Brendan O'Neill

Workshop 11 How to Meditate (Repeated)
Introducing Meditation into Your Busy Lives

Mark Davis

Workshop 12 Medicus Workshop (Repeated)
Risk Management and Improved Communication

Richard Fox (Connect) & Peter Robinson (Medicus)

Workshop 13 Musculoskeletal Medicine (Part 2)
Practical workshop on the Neck and Upper Thoracic Spine

Ian Wallbridge & Rick Bernau

Workshop 14 Fertility/Infertility (Repeated)
Everything you wanted to know about fertility/infertility but were too afraid to ask

Freddie Graham (Fertility Associates)

Workshop 15 Podiatry (Repeated)
Foot Pain, Choice of Running Shoes

John Miller

1300-1400 Lunch
1400-1600 Workshop 16 Basic Surgical Skills (Repeated) - (24 people)

Zachary Moaveni & Adam Bialostocki

Sponsored by:

Workshop 17 Modern Musculoskeletal Imaging
Hip and groin injury. Tendinopathy. Trauma Forces. Spinal Red Flags.

Peter Gendall

Workshop 18 Psychiatry Workshop (Part 1)
Mastering the Treatment of Depression in Primary Care

Rob Shieff

Workshop 19 Vasectomy Workshop
How to get started with training and supervised practice

Bruce Sutherland

Workshop 20 Musculoskeletal Medicine (Part 3)
Practical workshop on the lower Thoracic Spine, Lumbar and SI Joints

Charles Ng & Gajendra Singh

Workshop 21 Gynaecology
The Hitchhikers' Guide to Gynaecology

Phil McChesney (Fertility Associates)

Workshop 22 Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) - (Part 1)
New ways of looking at consultations to speed up patient learning and acceptance

Nigel Thompson

1600-1630 Afternoon Tea
1630-1830 Workshop 23 Advanced Surgical Skills (Repeated) - (24 people)

Zachary Moaveni & Adam Bialostocki

Sponsored by:

Workshop 24 Modern Musculoskeletal Imaging (Repeated)
Hip and groin injury. Tendinopathy. Trauma Forces. Spinal Red Flags.

Peter Gendall

Workshop 25 Psychiatry Workshop (Part 2)
Taking the Mystery Out of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Rob Shieff

Workshop 26 Vasectomy Workshop (Repeated)
How to get started with training and supervised practice

Bruce Sutherland

Workshop 27 Musculoskeletal Medicine (Part 4)
Practical Workshop on the Shoulder and Elbow 

Lucy Holtzhausen & Peter McKenzie

Workshop 28 Gynaecology (Repeated)
The Hitchhikers' Guide to Gynaecology

Phil McChesney (Fertility Associates)

Workshop 29 Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) - (Part 2)
New ways of looking at consultations to speed up patient learning and acceptance

Nigel Thompson

Dinner own arrangements

Friday 08 June 2012 - MAIN CONFERENCE - Energy Events Centre
Location Rotorua Energy Events Centre
0700-0815 Breakfast Session Responding to change and challenge 
ACC and the primary health sector
Kevin Morris, ACC's Clinical Director
Ralph Stewart, ACC's Chief Executive Officer
0700-0815 Registration  
0825-0830 Welcome Address Chairman NZMA GP Council - Kate Baddock
Session Chair: Peter Chapman-Smith
0830-0900 Stephen Child "I'm Tired Doc"
0900-0925 Jerry Blaine Metabolic Syndrome - Why Obesity is Bad News
0925-0950 Chris Milne Treatment of AF in active people
0950-1020 Jerry Blaine Moral Matters - Medical Ethics and Everyday Practice
1020-1030 Questions and Discussion
Kate Baddock
Stephen Child
Jerry Blaine
Chris Milne
1030-1100 Morning Tea and Exhibition
  MEDICOPOLITICAL SESSION - The NZ Health System - Can We Deliver? Session Chair: TBC or Concurrent Sessions (55mins, 11:00am-11:55am repeated at 12:05pm)
1100-1105 NZMA Chairman's Address
To be confirmed
Workshop 30 - Jet Lag and the 8 Mile High Club
Tony Hochberg
Workshop 31 - Head and Neck Case Studies
John Chaplin & Nick McIvor
1105-1125 Minister of Health
Tony Ryall
Workshop 33 - Healthline - Consulting Online
Ian St George & Davis Lemke
1125-1145 Health Cheque - The Way Forward
Geoff Simmons
Workshop 34 - Spirometry
Marijke Currie
Workshop 35 - Smoking Cessation
Karen Evison
1145-1205 Workforce Fit for Purpose
Des Gorman
Workshop 36 - Using NTproBNP with Heart Failure Patients
Gerry Devlin
1205-1225 Feminisation of the Workforce
Phillippa Poole
Workshop 37-43 - above workshops repeated from 12:05-1:00pm
Workshop 37 - Jet Lag and the 8 Mile High Club
Workshop 38 - Head and Neck Case Studies
Workshop 40 - Healthline - Consulting Online
Workshop 41 - Spirometry
Workshop 42 - Smoking Cessation
Workshop 43 - Using NTproBNP with Heart Failure Patients
1225-1245 Do we need a new model for innovation in health?
George Arnold
1245-1300 Questions and Discussion
Geoff Simmons
Des Gorman
Phillippa Poole
George Arnold
1300-1400 Lunch and Exhibition
Session Chair: Peter Foley
or Concurrent Sessions (55mins, 2:00pm-2:55pm repeated at 3:05pm)
1400-1425 Managing Acute Coronary Syndromes
Harvey White
Workshop 44 - How You Can Manage Muscle Loss
David Cameron-Smith
Workshop 45 - Case Studies on Fatigue, VTE and Troponins
Stephen Child
Workshop 46 - Diving Medical Pitfalls
Tony Hochberg
1425-1450 Prostate Cancer 101
John Tuckey
Workshop 47 - Medical Case Studies
Robyn Toomath
Workshop 48 - Simple and Effective CBT Tools to Use in GP
Rob Shieff
Workshop 49 - Eye Emergencies Not to Miss
Charles McGhee
1450-1515 Breast Lumps
Belinda Scott
Workshop 50 - Assessment and Identification of Kids at Risk
Patrick Kelly
Workshop 51 - Key Changes in Welfare in NZ
David Bratt
Workshop 52 - How to Inject Joints
Chris Milne
1515-1540 What's New in Managing HCV in 2012
Ed Gane
Workshop 54-62 - above workshops repeated from 3:05pm-4:00pm
Workshop 54 - How to Manage Muscle Loss
Workshop 55 - Case Studies on Fatigue
Workshop 56 - Diving Medical Pitfalls
Workshop 57 - Medical Case Studies
Workshop 58 - CBT in General Practice
Workshop 59 - Eye Emergenices
Workshop 60 - Assessment and Identification of Kids at Risk
Workshop 61 - Welfare in NZ
Workshop 62 - How to Inject Joints
1540-1600 Questions and Discussion
Harvey White
John Tuckey
Belinda Scott
Ed Gane
1600-1630 Afternoon Tea and Exhibition
Session Chair: Jan White
or Concurrent Sessions (40mins, 4:30pm-5:10pm repeated at 5:20pm)
1630-1655 Robyn Toomath What Causes Obesity Workshop 64 - IT Workshop (Part 1)
Ross Boswell, Ahmed JubbaweyJason Reid, Ian Hight, Ashwin Patel & Sanjeewa Samaraweera
Workshop 65 - Fish Oils in Health and Disease
Kamal Karl
Workshop 66 - Prevention is Better than Cure in Travel Medicine
Joan Ingram
Workshop 67 - Common Growth Abnormalities in Children
Craig Jefferies
1655-1720 Rosemary Ikram The GPs Role in Preventing and Controlling Antibiotic Resistance
1720-1745 Charles McGhee Corneal and Stem Cell Transplantation Workshop 68 - IT Workshop (Part 2)
Ross Boswell, Ahmed Jubbawey Jason Reid, Ian Hight, Ashwin Patel & Sanjeewa Samaraweera
Workshop 69 - A to Z of AntiAging
Kamal Karl
Workshop 70 - Prevention is Better than Cure in Travel Medicine (Repeated)
Joan Ingram
Workshop 71 - Common Growth Abnormalities in Children (Repeated)
Craig Jefferies
1745-1800 Questions and Discussion
Rosemary Ikram
Robyn Toomath
Charles McGhee
1800-1900  MAS Welcome Cocktail Function

  MSD SYMPOSIUM (Light Dinner provided)
Session Chair: Alan Mangan
1900-1920 Buffet Dinner
1920-1930 Welcome and Intro
1930-2000 Paul Mitchell Fragility Fracture Prevention in Primary Care
2000-2030 Jeremy Krebs Management of the High Cardiovascular Risk Patient with Diabetes
2030 Cake and Coffee


Saturday 09 June 2012 - MAIN CONFERENCE
0700-1700 Registration
0715-0815 Breakfast Session 
Tailoring Treatment in Patients Starting Insulin Therapy 
Rick Cutfield
Session Chair: Graeme Whittaker
Investigation of the Patient
Session Chair: Peter Chapman-Smith
or Concurrent Session (55mins, 8:30am-9:25am repeated at 9:35am)
0830-0840 Introduction to Ethics
Stephen Child
Workshop 72 - Medicus Medicolegal Forum (Part 1)
Peter Robinson & Gaeline Phipps
Workshop 73 - Medtech User Group
Sanjeewa Samaraweera
0840-0850 Interpreting Histology Reports
Steven Allpress
Workshop 74 - Bowel Cancer Case Studies
Rowan Collinson
Workshop 75 - MyPractice User Group
Ashwin Patel & Trevor Boone
0850-0900 Haematology
To be confirmed
Workshop 76 - Creating Wealth
Lance Dawber-Ashley
Workshop 77 - Gynaecologic Cancer Case Studies
Ai Ling Tan
0900-0910 Infectious Disease
Rosemary Ikram
Workshop 78 - Diabetes (Part 1)
Kingsley Nirmalaraj & Rab Burtun
Workshop 79 - Thrombophilic Risk and Prevention of AF
Gerry Devlin
0910-0920 Biochemistry
Ross Boswell
Workshop 80 - Hypertension
Harvey White & Jerry Blaine
Workshop 81 - Breast Cancer Genetics
Belinda Scott
0920-0930 Radiology
Peter Gendall
Workshop 82-91 - above workshops repeated from 9:35am-10:30am
Workshop 82 - Medicus Medicolegal Forum Part 2
Workshop 83 - Medtech User Group
Workshop 84 - Bowel Cancer Case Studies
Workshop 85 - MyPractice User Group
Workshop 86 - Creating Wealth
Workshop 87 - Gynaecologic Cancer Case Studies
Workshop 88 - Diabetes (Part 2)
Workshop 89 - Thrombophilic Risk & Prevention of AF
Workshop 90 - Hypertension
Workshop 91 - Breast Cancer Genetics
0930-1030 Panel Discussion
Stephen Child
Steven Allpress
Paul Ockelford
Rosemary Ikram
Ross Boswell
Peter Gendall
from 1000 MAS Golf Classic
Rotorua (Arikikapakapa) Golf Course; Tee off times from 10:00am

1030-1100 Morning Tea and Exhibition
  WORKSHOP SESSIONS (Choose 2 options; 55min sessions repeated at 12:05pm)

Workshop 92 - Adjunctive Treatments for Tendinopathy

Chris Milne & Brendan O'Neill

Workshop 93 - Rational Antibiotic Use

Rosemary Ikram

Workshop 94 - Hepatic Case Studies

Derek Luo

Workshop 95 - Sexual Dysfunction and Current Therapies

Jan Burns & Annie Woodsford

Workshop 96 - Urinary Stones and BPH

John Tuckey

Workshop 97 - AF - What Should We Do?

Harvey White

Workshop 98 - Vascular Case Studies

Murray Cox

Workshop 99 - Psychotropic Drug Interactions

Guna Kanniah

Workshop 100 - Functional Foods - linking nutrients to disease

David Cameron-Smith

Workshop 101 - Menorrhagia and Hysteroscopic Sterilisation

Matthias Seidel

Workshop 102 - Early Childhood Nutrition and Preventing Allergy

Ralf Heine

1155-1205 Workshop change over period
1205-1300 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 103-113 Above workshops repeated
1300-1400 Lunch and Exhibition - Sponsored by 
  WORKSHOP SESSIONS  (Choose 2 options; 55min sessions repeated at 3:05pm)

Workshop 114 - Zoonotic Infections

Nigel French

Workshop 115 - Managing HBV carriers in General Practice

Ed Gane

Workshop 116 - How to Perform Fine Needle Aspirates

N. McIvor, J. Chaplin & Steven Allpress

Workshop 117 - Food Intolerance and Gluten

Alasdair Patrick

Workshop 118 - Lipids Management - Statins for Everyone???

Jerry Blaine

Workshop 119 - Plastic and Hand Surgery Tips for GPs

Zachary Moaveni and Adam Bialostocki

Workshop 120 - Breast Case Studies

Belinda Scott

Workshop 121 - Polypharmacy - Rationale for and against

Guna Kanniah

Workshop 122 - How to Examine the Eye in Family Practice

Charles McGhee

Workshop 123 - Is My Patient Fit to Fly?

Alexandra Muthu

Workshop 124 - The Expanding Role of IVF

Richard Fisher

1455-1505 Workshop change over period
1505-1600 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 125-135 Above workshops repeated
1600-1630 Afternoon Tea and Exhibition

Workshop 136 - Proctoscopy, Sigmoidoscopy and removal of Piles

Rowan Collinson

Workshop 137 - Interpreting ECGs

Gerry Devlin

Workshop 138 - Spirometry

Marijke Currie

Workshop 139 - Text Messaging for Patient Communication

Ahmed Jubbawey

Workshop 140 - From a static clinical pathway to a specific patient management tool

John Williams & Ashwin Patel

Workshop 141 - New Therapies for Diabetes

Kingsley Nirmalaraj & Rab Burtun

Workshop 142 - The Value of Hypnosis in General Practice

Pat McCarthy

Workshop 143 - Improving Patient Adherence to Treatment

Kate Perry

Workshop 144 - Cognitive Impairment and Driving - Best Practice

Anne Molloy

Workshop 145 - Pre-invasive Diseases of the Lower Genital Tract

Ai Ling Tan

1900-2330 Conference Dinner

Sunday 10 June 2012 - MAIN CONFERENCE
0730-0830 Breakfast Session
Management of COPD � A Paradigm Shift
Rob Young
Session Chair: TBC
Session Chair: Peter Foley
or Concurrent Session (55mins, 8:30am-9:25am repeated at 9:35am)
0830-0855 GP Management of PVD
Murray Cox
Workshop 146 - The Value of Hypnosis in GP
Pat McCarthy
Workshop 147 - Medication Deconstruction 
Guna Kanniah
Workshop 148 - Identifying and Managing Coeliac Disease 
Kristin Kenrick
Workshop 149 - Fertility Issues 
Richard Fisher
0855-0920 Nutrition for the Over 40's
David Cameron-Smith
Workshop 150 - Practical Tips on Weight Loss 
MaryRose Spence
Workshop 151 - Medtech User Group (Repeat) 
Sanjeewa Samaraweera
Workshop 152 - Smoking Cessation 
Karen Evison
Workshop 153 - In-Flight Emergencies 
Alexandra Muthu
0920-0945 Ethnic Differences in GI Disease
Alasdair Patrick
Workshop 155-163 - above workshops repeated from 9:30am-10:25am
Workshop 155 - The Value of Hypnosis in GP
Workshop 156 - Medication Deconstruction
Workshop 157 - Identifying and Managing Coeliac Disease
Workshop 158 - Fertility Issues
Workshop 159 - Practical Tips on Weight Loss
Workshop 160 - Medtech
Workshop 161 - Smoking Cessation
Workshop 162 - In-flight Emergencies
0945-1010 Zoonotic Infections
Nigel French
1010-1025 Questions and Discussion
Murray Cox
David Cameron-Smith
Alasdair Patrick
Nigel French
1025-1030 Industry Prize Announcements
1030-1100 Morning Tea
Session Chair: Peter Chapman-Smith

Developing Integrated Care in New Zealand

Kevin Woods (MOH Director General)


Primary Care Interventions for Child Abuse

John Goldsmith


Update on Asthma

Stephen Child

1230-1245 Questions and Discussion
Kevin Woods
Jerry Blaine
Stephen Child

Clinical Quiz

Stephen Child


Conference Closes
Rotorua GP CME 2012 Meeting is endorsed by The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) and is approved for up to 26 Hours CME for General Practice Educational Programme Stage 2 (GPEP2) and Maintenance of Professional Standards (MOPS) purposes. 

Workshops Preliminary Day is endoresed for 8 hours of CME

ACLS Level 7 = 12 CME credits                                  ACLS Level 5 = 4 CME Credits