NZMA, New Zealand Medical Association, Rotorua
Rotorua GP CME 2014 - Programme Outline

�Rotorua GP CME 2014� - has been endorsed by The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) and has been approved for up to 29.25 credits CME for General Practice Educational Programme Stage 2 (GPEP2) and Maintenance of Professional Standards (MOPS) purposes. 

Thursday 12 June 2014 - OPTIONAL PRE-CONFERENCE COURSES (fee applies)
Location Rotorua Energy Events Centre
Please note: workshop content is repeated, not part 1 and 2 unless stated otherwise.  Some workshops have a maximum number of attendees.  Book early to avoid disappointment.
0830-1030 Workshop 1 Basic Surgical Skills  - (24 people)

Zachary Moaveni & Adam Bialostocki

Supported by:

Workshop 2 Emergency Medicine 
Emergency Diagnoses You Can't Miss in Primary Care
An Interactive Urgent Case Series
How to Avoid Disasters
Subtlety of Presentation 

Robert Rogers
Workshop 3 Musculoskeletal Medicine (Part 1)
Introduction to Neuromuscular medicine. Key history points. The Role of Diet. Neutraceuticals. Myofascial Pain. 
Hands on demonstrations

Ian Wallbridge, Jonathan Kuttner, Lucy Holtzhausen, Steve August
Workshop 4 IT Innovations in General Practice - Now running at 11:00am only 

A Secure, Open System - The Enigmatic New World of Health IT- Tom Bowden
Using TXT2Remind for your Quality Indicators - Kelleigh Embers
Practice Portals in Action - Sanjeewa Samaraweera
Electronic Referrals - Ross Boswell
Where is the Quicksand in Online Consulting? - Tom Mulholland
Better Healthcare from Collaboration & Sharing of Information - Tony Martindale, Kate Perry
Workshop 5 Southern Cross Health Society Skin Surgical Workshop 
Maximum of 16 delegates - Advanced wound assessment and practical surgical skills 

Surgical Update

Howard Klein, Terrence Creagh
Workshop 6 Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation - Cancelled
What does it look like?
How is it relevant to my practice as a GP?
How can my Practice Nurse be involved?
How do my clients access such a service?
When is the right time to refer?
What do I do with my clients once they have been through such a programme?

John Petrie, Aaron Randall, Wayne Hewlett, Sue Whitby, Tracey Hay
Workshop 7 ALS 7 (8 hour course)
1030-1100 Morning Tea
Please note: workshop content is repeated, not part 1 and 2 unless stated otherwise.
1100-1300 Workshop 8 Advanced Surgical Skills - Amalgamated with Southern Cross Health Society Surgical Skills Course  - (24 people)

Zachary Moaveni & Adam Bialostocki

Supported by:

Workshop 9 Emergency Medicine (Repeated)
Emergency Diagnoses You Can't Miss in Primary Care
An Interactive Urgent Case Series
How to Avoid Disasters
Subtlety of Presentation 

Robert Rogers
Workshop 10 Musculoskeletal Medicine (Part 2)
Continuation on Basic Hands On Techniques

Ian Wallbridge, Jonathan Kuttner, Lucy Holtzhausen, Steve August
Workshop 11 IT Innovations in General Practice (Repeated)

A Secure, Open System - The Enigmatic New World of Health IT- Tom Bowden
Using TXT2Remind for your Quality Indicators - Kelleigh Embers
Practice Portals in Action - Sanjeewa Samaraweera
Electronic Referrals - Ross Boswell
Where is the Quicksand in Online Consulting? - Tom Mulholland
Better Healthcare from Collaboration & Sharing of Information - Tony Martindale, Kate Perry
Workshop 12 Southern Cross Health Society Skin Surgical Workshop 
Maximum of 16 delegates (Repeated)

Surgical Update

Howard Klein, Terrence Creagh
Workshop 13 Multidisciplinary Rehabilitation (Repeated) - Cancelled
What does it look like?
How is it relevant to my practice as a GP?
How can my Practice Nurse be involved?
How do my clients access such a service?
When is the right time to refer?
What do I do with my clients once they have been through such a programme?

John Petrie, Aaron Randall, Wayne Hewlett, Sue Whitby, Tracey Hay
1300-1400 Lunch
Please note: workshop content is repeated, not part 1 and 2 unless otherwise stated.
1400-1600 Workshop 14 Basic Surgical Skills (Repeated) - (24 people)

Zachary Moaveni & Adam Bialostocki

Supported by:

Workshop 15 Orthopaedic - Screening for serious and atypical pathologies in the lumbar and cervical spine

Dean Mistry, Katy Street

Workshop 16 Musculoskeletal Masterclass 1
Cervical and Thoracic Spine
Advanced techniques
Experienced practitioners only

Ian Wallbridge, Jonathan Kuttner, Lucy Holtzhausen, Steve August
Workshop 17 Clinical Healthy Thinking and Situational Awareness

Tom Mulholland

Workshop 18 Tackling Obesity & Bariatric Surgery
Medical Risks.The Need to Eat. Relevant Physiology. 
What has to Change?Assisting Change. Seeking Help?
Surgical Indications, Risks and Benefits. Available Options. 
Referral. Postop Management

David Schroeder, John Dixon, Andrea Schroeder

Workshop 19 Breast Cancer Symposium
Surgical Advances in Breast Cancer Management - Ali Hayes
Breast Imaging - MRI and Screening - Steve Wood
Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation - Benji Benjamin
Oncology Treatments - Vernon Harvey
Hereditary Breast Cancer - Kimberley Gamet, Nerine Gregersen
Panel Discussion
Chair: John Dunn
1600-1630 Afternoon Tea
Please note: workshop content is repeated, not part 1 and 2 unless stated otherwise.
1630-1830 Workshop 20 Advanced Surgical Skills (Repeated) - (24 people)

Zachary Moaveni & Adam Bialostocki

Supported by:

Workshop 21 Orthopaedic - Screening for serious and atypical pathologies in the lumbar and cervical spine (Repeated)

Dean Mistry, Katy Street

Workshop 22 Musculoskeletal Masterclass 2
Lumbar and Sacroiliac Spine
Advanced techniques
Experienced practitioners only

Ian Wallbridge, Jonathan Kuttner, Lucy Holtzhausen, Steve August
Workshop 23 Clinical Healthy Thinking and Situational Awareness (Repeated)

Tom Mulholland

Workshop 24 Tackling Obesity & Bariatric Surgery (Repeated)
Medical Risks.The Need to Eat. Relevant Physiology. 
What has to Change?Assisting Change. Seeking Help?
Surgical Indications, Risks and Benefits. Available Options. 
Referral. Postop Management

David Schroeder, John Dixon, Andrea Schroeder

Workshop 25 Breast Cancer Symposium (Repeated)
Surgical Advances in Breast Cancer Management - Ali Hayes
Breast Imaging - MRI and Screening - Steve Wood
Accelerated Partial Breast Irradiation - Benji Benjamin
Oncology Treatments - Vernon Harvey
Hereditary Breast Cancer - Kimberley Gamet, Nerine Gregersen
Panel Discussion
Chair: John Dunn
Dinner own arrangements

Friday 13 June 2014 - MAIN CONFERENCE - Energy Events Centre
Adherence to Astma Preventer Medication
Location Rotorua Energy Events Centre
0700-0800 Breakfast Session ACC Breakfast - Iatrogenic Injuries � ACC�s General Practice Perspective
Brendan Cullen, Chris Moughan, Peter Robinson
Session Chair: Peter Robinson
0700-0800 Registration  
0800-0805 Welcome Address Chairman NZMA GP Council
Session Chair: Peter Chapman-Smith
0805-0830 Dennis Pezaro Peter Foley Memorial Oration "General Practice Still Has Major Potential For Innovations In Healthcare"
0830-0850 Norman Sharpe Contemporary Issues in Cardiovascular Risk Assessment
0850-0910 Cliona Ni Mhurchu The NZ Food Environment - The Big Picture
0910-0930 Jeff Garrett Better Outcomes for Lung Cancer in Family Practice
0930-0950 Richard Beasley Marijuana and the Lung
0950-1010 Robert Rogers Abdominal Vascular Emergencies
1010-1030 Questions and Discussion
Dennis Pezaro
Norman Sharpe
Cliona Ni Mhurchu
Jeff Garrett
Richard Beasley
Robert Rogers
1030-1100 Morning Tea and Exhibition
  MEDICOPOLITICAL SESSION - The 2014 Election - Political Debate Session Chair: Mark Peterson or Concurrent Sessions (55mins, 11:00am-11:55am repeated at 12:05pm)
1100-1110 Welcome
Mark Peterson
 Workshop 26 - Vascular Catastrophes - Can't Miss Diagnoses
Robert Rogers


Address from the AMA Immediate Past President � Dr Steve Hambleton

Introduction to the Medicopolitical Debate - Mark Peterson

Workshop 27 - Doctor-led HCG based Weight Based Management Programme
Mogens Poppe
1135-1145 Annette King Workshop 28 - Male Infertility
John Tuckey
Workshop 29 - Growth and Puberty - A Clinical Approach
Esko Wiltshire
1145-1155 Kevin Hague  Workshop 30 - Case Studies of Allergic and Other Respiratory Disorders in Children
Alex Lozynsky
Workshop 31 - Buprenorphine as a New Opiate Substitute
Alistair Dunn
1155-1205 Barbara Stewart Workshop 32 - Cervical and Lumbar Radiculopathies
Dean Mistry
Workshop 33 - Obesity - The Changing Demographics
Rachael Taylor
1205-1215 Peter Dunne
Workshop 34-41 - above workshops repeated from 12:05-1:00pm
Workshop 34 - Vascular Catastrophes - Can't Miss Diagnoses
Workshop 35 - Doctor-led HCG based Weight Based Management Programme
Workshop 36 - Male Infertility
Workshop 37 - Growth and Puberty - A Clinical Approach
Workshop 38 - Case Studies of Allergic and Other Respiratory Disorders in Children
Workshop 39 - Buprenorphine as a New Opiate Substitute
Workshop 40 - Cervical and Lumbar Radiculopathies
Workshop 41 - Obesity - The Changing Demographics
1215-1225 Jo Goodhew
1225-1300 Panel Discussion

1300-1400 Lunch and Exhibition
Tackling Obesity - Making a Difference
Session Chair: Jocelyn Wood
or Concurrent Sessions (55mins, 2:00pm-2:55pm repeated at 3:05pm)
1400-1420 Food Addiction
Doug Sellman
Workshop 42 - Urticaria
Rohan Ameratunga
Workshop 43 - Targeting Small Airways - New Paradigms of Treatment
Jeff Garrett
Workshop 44 - Implementing Practice Portals
Sanjeewa Samaraweera
Workshop 45 - How to Examine the Eye in Family Practice
Sarah Welch
1420-1440 Do Calories Count?
MaryRose Spence
Workshop 46 - Are Trusts Still Useful?
Murray Weatherstone
Workshop 47 - Interpreting LFTs
Alasdair Patrick
Workshop 48 - Pills Potions and Placebos with Eyes
Philip Polkinghorne
Workshop 49 - Benign Breast Disease
Ali Hayes
1440-1500 Obesity and Infant Feeding
Rachael Taylor
Workshop 50 - Can We Improve Relationships Between Doctors and the Coroner?
Neil MacLean
Workshop 51 - How to Treat Fungal Nail Infections Successfully
John Miller
Workshop 52  - Pulmonary Embolism - How to Protect Your Patient and Your ASSets
Robert Rogers
Workshop 53  - Starting Insulin in Diabetes in Your Practice - 120 minutes, not repeated)
Rab Burtun, Kingsley Nirmalaraj
1500-1520 Childhood and Adolescent Obesity in Aoteoroa
Yvonne Anderson
Workshop 54-65 - above workshops repeated from 3:05pm-4:00pm
Workshop 54 - Urticaria
Workshop 55 - Targeting Small Airways - New Paradigms of Treatment
Workshop 56 - Medtech User Group 
Workshop 57 - How to Examine the Eye in Family Practice
Workshop 58 - Are Trusts Still Useful?
Workshop 59 - Interpreting LFTs
Workshop 60 - Diagnosing and Treating Insomnia
Workshop 61 - Benign Breast Disease
Workshop 62 - Can We Improve Relationships Between Doctors and the Coroner?
Workshop 63 - How to Treat Fungal Nail Infections Successfully
Workshop 64 - Pulmonary Embolism - How to Protect Your Patient and Your ASSets
1520-1540 Strategies that Work for Diabesity
John Dixon
1540-1600 Questions and Discussion
Doug Sellman
MaryRose Spence
Rachael Taylor
Yvonne Anderson
John Dixon
1600-1630 Afternoon Tea and Exhibition
Session Chair: Bill Douglas
or Concurrent Sessions (55mins, 4:30pm-5:25pm repeated at 5:35pm)
1630-1655 Waterborne Zoonoses in NZ
Nigel French
Workshop 66 - Medicolegal Forum - Key Points You Need to Know
Peter Robinson, Gaeline Phipps
Workshop 67 - The New Alcoholism- DSM-5,2013 - Implications for Treatment 
Doug Sellman
Workshop 68 - Whanau Pakari - A Multidisciplinary Intervention Programme For Obesity 
Yvonne Anderson
Workshop 69 - Children - Refugees in Our Country 
Johan Morreau
1655-1720 Modern Screening and Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer
John Tuckey
Workshop 70 - Triaging patients with dental pain � when antibiotics are not the way to go
Laurie Walsh
Workshop 71 - Bariatric Surgery - A Stitch in Time Saves Lives
David Schroeder, John Dixon
Workshop 72 - myPractice
Trevor Boone, Ashwin Patel 
Workshop 73 - Pragmatic Guide to Abdominal Pain 
John Dunn
1720-1745 What's Hot in the Retina
Philip Polkinghorne
Workshop 74 - Hypertensive Emergencies- Don't Just Do Something, Stand There
Robert Rogers
Workshop 75 - Diagnosis and Management of Rhinitis and Sinusitis
Richard Douglas
Workshop 76 - Shoulder Injuries
Michael Austen
Workshop 77  - Starting Insulin in Diabetes in Your Practice - 120 minutes, not repeated)
Rab Burtun, Kingsley Nirmalaraj
1745-1810 Colorectal Cancer - NZ's cancer 
Chris Jackson
Workshop 78-88 - above workshops repeated from 5:35pm-6:00pm
Workshop 78 - Medicolegal Forum - Key Points You Need to Know
Workshop 79 - The New Alcoholism
Workshop 80 - Whanau Pakari- A Multidisciplinary Intervention Programme For Obesity 
Workshop 81 - Children - Refugees in Our Country
Workshop 82 - Triaging patients with dental pain � when antibiotics are not the way to go
Workshop 83 - Bariatric Surgery - A Stitch in Time Saves Lives
Workshop 84 - My Practice User Group
Workshop 85 - Pragmatic Guide to Abdominal Pain
Workshop 86 - Hypertensive Emergencies- Don't Just Do Something, Stand There
Workshop 87 - Diagnosis and Management of Rhinitis and Sinusitis
Workshop 88 - Shoulder Injuries
1810-1830 Questions and Discussion
Nigel French
John Tuckey
Philip Polkinghorne
Chris Jackson
1830-1930  MAS Welcome Cocktail Function

  MSD SYMPOSIUM (Buffet Dinner)
Session Chair: Branko Sijnja
Rotorua Convention Centre
Session Chair: Wallace Chapman
Rotorua Blue Baths
1930-1950 Buffet Dinner Alternative drop dinner
Welcome and Intro
1950-2050 Dr Stewart Reid Important vaccination updates for both old and young New Zealanders Shaun Holt
Andrew Corin
Sally Newell
Kate Perry
2050-2100 Tania Rowland Digital Health and the connected Physician
2100 Cake and Coffee Cake and Coffee


Saturday 14 June 2014 - MAIN CONFERENCE
0700-1700 Registration

Breakfast Session 

Breakfast Session 

0700-0800 Psoriasis: assessment, treatment and monitoring & Inflammatory Arthritis 
Amanda Oakley, Doug White
Session Chair: Peter Chapman-Smith
Optimising COPD Management in the Community � Symptoms, Segmentation, Solutions 
Rob Young
Session Chair: Jim Lello
Paediatrics Symposium
Session Chair: Johan Morreau
or Concurrent Session (55mins, 8:30am-9:25am repeated at 9:35am)
0800-0815 Recurrent Infections in Children 
Jan Sinclair 
Workshop 89 - How to Perform and Interpret Spirometry 
Marijke Currie
0815-0830 The Innocent Murmur
Clare O'Donnell
Workshop 90 - Mindfulness for GPs
Nathan Consedine
0830-0845 Is Childhood Cancer a Specialist Game or Can GPs Play Too?
Scott Macfarlane
Workshop 91 - Update on snoring and sleep apnoea. Investigation and treatments.
Alex Bartle
Workshop 92 - Case Studies in Diagnosing and Managing Urticaria
Alex Lozynsky
0845-0900 Accurate Diagnosis of Childhood Asthma
Julian Vyas
Workshop 93 - Game Changers in Opthalmology
Philip Polkinghorne
Workshop 94 - Management of Difficult Hypertension
Colin Edwards, Fiona Stewart
0900-0915 Early Appropriate RX for Haemangiomas
Diana Purvis
Workshop 95 - Creating Value Through Acquisition; and Financing New Medical Centres
David Caddie, Steven Walsh
Workshop 96 - Skin Cancer Surgery Pearls - A Plastic Surgical Approach
Mark Gittos
Workshop 97 - Case Studies on the Head and Neck; How to do an FNA.
Nick McIvor, John Chaplin
0915-0930 The Relevance of Childhood Caries
Laurie Walsh
Workshop 98 - How to Investigate the Incidental Liver Lesion
Adam Bartlett
Workshop 99 - Managing Allergic Rhinitis and Chronic Sinusitis
Rohan Ameratunga
Workshop 100 - Succession Planning and Exit Strategies for GPs
Shaun Phelan
0930-0945 Weight Issues in Kids
MaryRose Spence
Workshop 101-112 - above workshops repeated from 9:35am-10:30am
Workshop 101 - How to Perform and Interpret Spirometry 
Workshop 102 - Mindfulness for GPs
Workshop 103 - Update on snoring and sleep apnoea. Investigation and treatments.
Workshop 104 - Case Studies in Diagnosing and Managing Urticaria
Workshop 105 - Game Changers in Opthalmology
Workshop 106 - Management of Difficult Hypertension
Workshop 107 - Creating Value Through Acquisition; and Financing New Medical Centres
Workshop 108 - Skin Cancer Surgery Pearls - A Plastic Surgical Approach
Workshop 110 - How to Investigate the Incidental Liver Lesion
Workshop 111 - Managing Allergic Rhinitis and Chronic Sinusitis
Workshop 112 - Succession Planning and Exit Strategies for GPs
0945-1000 The Long and Short of It - Stature in Children
Yvonne Anderson
1000-1030 Panel Discussion
Jan Sinclair 
Clare O'Donnell
Scott Macfarlane
Julian Vyas
Diana Purvis
Laurie Walsh
MaryRose Spence
Yvonne Anderson
from 1000 MAS Golf Classic
Rotorua (Arikikapakapa) Golf Course; Tee off times from 10:00am

1030-1100 Morning Tea and Exhibition
  WORKSHOP SESSIONS (Choose 2 options; 55min sessions repeated at 12:05pm)

Workshop 113 - Oxygen Therapy in Acute Medical Emergencies
Richard Beasley

Workshop 114 - Urologic Management with Spinal Cord Injury
John Tuckey

Workshop 115 - Patient Stories About Managing Childhood Cancer
Scott Macfarlane

Workshop 116 - Case Studies in ENT
Richard Douglas

Workshop 117 - Managing Eye Emergencies
David Prendergrast

Workshop 118 - Strategies to Reduce the Risk of Recurrence in Depression
Rob Shieff

Workshop 119 - Food Allergies
Jan Sinclair

Workshop 120 - Obesity - Working Together to Achieve Better Outcomes
MaryRose Spence, Cliona Ni Mhurchu

Workshop 121 - Managing Eczema
Rohan Ameratunga

Workshop 122 - Kids that Cough a Lot
Julian Vyas

Workshop 123 - Oral Bacteria on Vacation � Where They Go and Ensuing Troubles.
Laurie Walsh

Workshop 124 - Better than an iPad app.... a Clinical Pharmacist in your practice team
 Brendan Duck, Vanessa Brown, Peter Culham

1155-1205 Workshop change over period
1205-1300 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 125-137 Above workshops repeated
1300-1400 Lunch and Exhibition 
  WORKSHOP SESSIONS  (Choose 2 options; 55min sessions repeated at 3:05pm)

Workshop 138 - Inflammatory Airway Disorders - How Can We Direct Therapy Better?
Jeff Garrett

Workshop 139 - Choosing the Right Foods
Delvina Gorton

Workshop 140 - Colorectal Cancer in NZ 
Chris Jackson, Diana Sarfati, Adam Bartlett   Chair: John Dunn

Workshop 141 - Peer Review Meeting for Designated Doctors
David Bratt

Workshop 142 - Practical Approach to GI Tract Problems
Alasdair Patrick

Workshop 143 - Adult Congenital Heart Disease
Clare O'Donnell

Workshop 144 - DSM 5 - what are the main changes and their implications
Rob Shieff

Workshop 145 - How to Perform Desensitisation in Your Practice
Jan Sinclair, Richard Douglas

Workshop 146 - Community/GP based screening and management of HBV and HCV
Catherine Stedman

Workshop 147 - Zoonotic Mischief From Cattle
Nigel French

Workshop 148 - Plastic Surgical "Pearls"
Zachary Moaveni, Adam Bialostocki

Workshop 149 - Low Back Pain
Ben Cheesman, David Ardern

1455-1505 Workshop change over period
1505-1600 WORKSHOP SESSIONS 150-161 Above workshops repeated
1600-1630 Afternoon Tea and Exhibition
1630-1730 Workshop 162 - The SMART Regime in Asthma   
Richard Beasley

Workshop 163 - Paediatric Endocrine Case Studies
Esko Wiltshire

Workshop 164 - Contraceptive Choice and Management
Christine Roke

Workshop 165 - Rural Immersion Medical Programme 
Branko Sijnja

Workshop 166 - Management of Epistaxes
Richard Douglas

Workshop 167 - Management of Acne
Diana Purvis

Workshop 168 - Update on Healthy Food Choices
MaryRose Spence

Workshop 169 - Thyroid Nodules 
John Chaplin, Nick McIvor

Workshop 170 - Do you know what the nurses are doing? Safety and consistency in telephone triage.
Richard Medlicott, Andrea Pettett

Workshop 171 - What GPs Need to Know in Certifying Recreational Pilots 
Claude Preitner

Workshop 172 - Neurophysiology for the GP
James Cleland

Workshop 173 - Tips re Hand Surgery
Zachary Moaveni, Adam Bialostocki

1900-2330 Conference Dinner

Sunday 15 June 2014 - MAIN CONFERENCE
0715-0815 GlaxoSmithKline Breakfast Session
Travel Essentials � Don�t Let the Travel Bugs Get You
Jenny Visser
Session Chair: Bryn Thompson
Session Chair: Bill Douglas
or Concurrent Session (55mins, 8:30am-9:25am repeated at 9:35am)
0830-0855 Food Allergies
Rohan Ameratunga
Workshop 175 - Implementing Practice Portals Repeated
Sanjeewa Samaraweera
Workshop 176 - How to use a Doppler in Your Practice
Bridget Rood
Workshop 177 - Your Tool Kit to Weight Loss  
MaryRose Spence
Workshop 178 - Connecting patients to smoking cessation support
Paula Snowden
Workshop 179 - Coeliac Disease in NZ - We Can Do Better
Kristin Kenrick
Workshop 180 - What You Can Catch from Your Pets
Nigel French
0855-0920 Safety of GI Drugs
Alasdair Patrick
Workshop 181 - Fits and Faints
Paul Timmings
Workshop 182 - Assessment and Treatment of Children�s Sleep Disorders
Alex Bartle
Workshop 183 - Growth Problems in Children
Esko Wiltshire
Workshop 184 - A New Look at Preventing Thromboembolism
Paul Ockelford
Workshop 185 - Self Harm in Primary care 
Yulia Krivoshchekova
Workshop 186 - The Effect of Nutrition on Pregnancy Outcomes
Alice Gormack
0920-0945 Eczema in Teenagers
Diana Purvis
Workshop 187-198 - above workshops repeated from 9:30am-10:25am
Workshop 187 - Medtech User Group Repeated
Workshop 188 - How to use a Doppler in Your Practice
Workshop 189 - Your Tool Kit to Weight Loss �
Workshop 190 - Connecting patients to smoking cessation support
Workshop 191 - Coeliac Disease in NZ
Workshop 192 - What You Can Catch from Your Pets
Workshop 193 - Fits and Faints 
Workshop 194 - Assessment and Treatment of Children�s Sleep Disorders
Workshop 195 - Growth Problems in Children
Workshop 196 -  A New Look at Preventing Thromboembolism
Workshop 197 - Self Harm in Primary care
Workshop 198 - The Effect of Nutrition on Pregnancy Outcomes
0945-1010 Embitterment
Rob Shieff
1010-1030 Questions and Discussion
Rohan Ameratunga
Alasdair Patrick
Diana Purvis
Rob Shieff


Industry Prize Announcements
1030-1100 Morning Tea
Session Chair: Peter Chapman-Smith

Getting Rid of Hep C in 2014
Catherine Stedman


How Dental Health and Systemic Health Affect Each Other
Laurie Walsh


Barriers to Compassion in Primary Care
Nathan Consedine

1215-1230 Questions and Discussion
Catherine Stedman
Laurie Walsh
Nathan Consedine

Clinical Quiz
Laurie Walsh


Conference Closes
�Rotorua GP CME 2014� - has been endorsed by The Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners (RNZCGP) and has been approved for up to 29.25 credits CME for General Practice Educational Programme Stage 2 (GPEP2) and Maintenance of Professional Standards (MOPS) purposes.