Location |
Rotorua Energy
Events Centre |
0700-0800 |
Breakfast Session |
ACC Breakfast -
Iatrogenic Injuries � ACC�s General Practice Perspective Brendan Cullen, Chris Moughan, Peter Robinson Session Chair: Peter Robinson |
0700-0800 |
Registration |
0800-0805 |
Welcome Address |
Chairman NZMA GP Council Session Chair: Peter Chapman-Smith |
0805-0830 |
Dennis Pezaro |
Peter Foley Memorial Oration "General Practice Still Has Major Potential For Innovations In Healthcare" |
0830-0850 |
Norman Sharpe |
Contemporary Issues in Cardiovascular Risk Assessment |
0850-0910 |
Cliona Ni Mhurchu |
The NZ Food Environment - The Big Picture |
0910-0930 |
Jeff Garrett |
Better Outcomes for Lung Cancer in Family Practice |
0930-0950 |
Richard Beasley |
Marijuana and the Lung |
0950-1010 |
Robert Rogers |
Abdominal Vascular Emergencies |
1010-1030 |
Questions and
Dennis Pezaro
Norman Sharpe
Cliona Ni Mhurchu
Jeff Garrett
Richard Beasley
Robert Rogers |
1030-1100 |
Morning Tea and
Exhibition |
SESSION - The 2014 Election - Political Debate Session Chair: Mark Peterson |
or Concurrent Sessions
(55mins, 11:00am-11:55am repeated at 12:05pm) |
1100-1110 |
Welcome Mark Peterson |
Workshop 26 -
Vascular Catastrophes - Can't Miss Diagnoses Robert Rogers |
1110-1130 1130-1135 |
Address from the AMA Immediate Past President � Dr Steve Hambleton
Introduction to the Medicopolitical Debate - Mark Peterson |
Workshop 27 - Doctor-led HCG based Weight Based Management Programme Mogens Poppe
1135-1145 |
Annette King
Workshop 28 - Male Infertility John Tuckey
Workshop 29 - Growth and Puberty - A Clinical Approach Esko Wiltshire
1145-1155 |
Kevin Hague
Workshop 30 - Case Studies of Allergic and Other Respiratory Disorders in Children Alex Lozynsky
Workshop 31 - Buprenorphine as a New Opiate Substitute Alistair Dunn
1155-1205 |
Barbara Stewart
Workshop 32 - Cervical and Lumbar Radiculopathies Dean Mistry
Workshop 33 - Obesity - The Changing Demographics Rachael Taylor
1205-1215 |
Peter Dunne
34-41 - above workshops repeated from 12:05-1:00pm Workshop
34 - Vascular Catastrophes - Can't Miss Diagnoses
Workshop 35 - Doctor-led HCG based Weight Based Management Programme
Workshop 36 - Male Infertility
Workshop 37 - Growth and Puberty - A Clinical Approach
Workshop 38 - Case Studies of Allergic and Other Respiratory Disorders in Children
Workshop 39 - Buprenorphine as a New Opiate Substitute
Workshop 40 - Cervical and Lumbar Radiculopathies
Workshop 41 - Obesity - The Changing Demographics |
Jo Goodhew
Panel Discussion
1300-1400 |
Lunch and
Exhibition |
SESSION Tackling Obesity - Making a Difference Session Chair:
Jocelyn Wood |
or Concurrent Sessions
(55mins, 2:00pm-2:55pm repeated at 3:05pm) |
1400-1420 |
Food Addiction Doug Sellman |
Workshop 42 -
Urticaria Rohan Ameratunga |
Workshop 43 - Targeting Small Airways - New Paradigms of Treatment Jeff Garrett |
Workshop 44 - Implementing Practice Portals Sanjeewa Samaraweera |
Workshop 45 - How to Examine the Eye in Family Practice Sarah Welch |
1420-1440 |
Do Calories Count?
MaryRose Spence
Workshop 46 - Are Trusts Still Useful? Murray Weatherstone
Workshop 47 - Interpreting LFTs Alasdair Patrick
Workshop 48 - Pills Potions and Placebos with Eyes Philip Polkinghorne
Workshop 49 - Benign Breast Disease Ali Hayes
1440-1500 |
Obesity and Infant Feeding
Rachael Taylor
Workshop 50 - Can We Improve Relationships Between Doctors and the Coroner? Neil MacLean
Workshop 51 - How to Treat Fungal Nail Infections Successfully John Miller
Workshop 52 - Pulmonary Embolism - How to Protect Your Patient and Your ASSets Robert Rogers
Workshop 53 - Starting Insulin in Diabetes in Your Practice - 120 minutes, not repeated) Rab Burtun, Kingsley Nirmalaraj
1500-1520 |
Childhood and Adolescent Obesity in Aoteoroa
Yvonne Anderson
Workshop 54-65 - above workshops repeated from 3:05pm-4:00pm
Workshop 54 - Urticaria
Workshop 55 - Targeting Small Airways - New Paradigms of Treatment
Workshop 56 - Medtech User Group
Workshop 57 - How to Examine the Eye in Family Practice
Workshop 58 - Are Trusts Still Useful?
Workshop 59 - Interpreting LFTs
Workshop 60 - Diagnosing and Treating Insomnia
Workshop 61 - Benign Breast Disease
Workshop 62 - Can We Improve Relationships Between Doctors and the Coroner?
Workshop 63 - How to Treat Fungal Nail Infections Successfully
Workshop 64 - Pulmonary Embolism - How to Protect Your Patient and Your ASSets
1520-1540 |
Strategies that Work for Diabesity
John Dixon
1540-1600 |
Questions and
Doug Sellman
MaryRose Spence
Rachael Taylor
Yvonne Anderson
John Dixon
1600-1630 |
Afternoon Tea
and Exhibition |
MAIN SESSION Session Chair:
Bill Douglas |
or Concurrent Sessions
(55mins, 4:30pm-5:25pm repeated at 5:35pm) |
1630-1655 |
Waterborne Zoonoses in NZ Nigel French |
Workshop 66 -
Medicolegal Forum - Key Points You Need to Know Peter Robinson, Gaeline Phipps |
Workshop 67 - The New Alcoholism- DSM-5,2013 - Implications for Treatment Doug Sellman |
Workshop 68 - Whanau Pakari - A Multidisciplinary Intervention Programme For Obesity Yvonne Anderson |
Workshop 69 - Children - Refugees in Our Country Johan Morreau |
1655-1720 |
Modern Screening and Treatment of Advanced Prostate Cancer
John Tuckey
Workshop 70 - Triaging patients with dental pain � when antibiotics are not the way to go Laurie Walsh
Workshop 71 - Bariatric Surgery - A Stitch in Time Saves Lives David Schroeder, John Dixon
Workshop 72 - myPractice Trevor Boone, Ashwin Patel
Workshop 73 - Pragmatic Guide to Abdominal Pain John Dunn
1720-1745 |
What's Hot in the Retina
Philip Polkinghorne
Workshop 74 - Hypertensive Emergencies- Don't Just Do Something, Stand There Robert Rogers
Workshop 75 - Diagnosis and Management of Rhinitis and Sinusitis Richard Douglas
Workshop 76 - Shoulder Injuries Michael Austen
Workshop 77 - Starting Insulin in Diabetes in Your Practice - 120 minutes, not repeated) Rab Burtun, Kingsley Nirmalaraj
1745-1810 |
Cancer - NZ's cancer
Chris Jackson
Workshop 78-88 - above workshops repeated from 5:35pm-6:00pm
Workshop 78 - Medicolegal Forum - Key Points You Need to Know
Workshop 79 - The New Alcoholism
Workshop 80 - Whanau Pakari- A Multidisciplinary Intervention Programme For Obesity
Workshop 81 - Children - Refugees in Our Country
Workshop 82 - Triaging patients with dental pain � when antibiotics are not
the way to go
Workshop 83 - Bariatric Surgery - A Stitch in Time Saves Lives
Workshop 84 - My Practice User Group
Workshop 85 - Pragmatic Guide to Abdominal Pain
Workshop 86 - Hypertensive Emergencies- Don't Just Do Something, Stand There
Workshop 87 - Diagnosis and Management of Rhinitis and Sinusitis
Workshop 88 - Shoulder Injuries
1810-1830 |
Questions and
Nigel French
John Tuckey
Philip Polkinghorne
Chris Jackson
1830-1930 |
MAS Welcome Cocktail Function |
MSD SYMPOSIUM (Buffet Dinner) Session Chair:
Branko Sijnja Rotorua Convention Centre |
AstraZeneca SYMPOSIUM Session Chair:
Wallace Chapman Rotorua Blue Baths |
1930-1950 |
Buffet Dinner |
Alternative drop dinner Welcome and Intro |
1950-2050 |
Dr Stewart Reid |
Important vaccination updates for both old and young New Zealanders |
Shaun Holt Andrew Corin Sally Newell Kate Perry |
2050-2100 |
Tania Rowland |
Digital Health and the connected Physician |
2100 |
Cake and Coffee |
Cake and Coffee |